Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm back from maskfest!

Sorry for the lack of posts recently. Been pretty busy from client work and traveling. Just got back from HorrorHound /HMA's MaskFest weekend.

Had a blast and met a ton of new people! Some amazing work was displayed as well as a few great costumes. Here's a few iPhone shots.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Quick Sketch

I promise I will have REAL Abolishers updates very soon. Just gotta pump out some client work first.

stay tuned!

Quick Sketch

A quick little sketch of Sir Quincy battling the wendigos.
More info on that later. :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

MidSouthCon - Final Poster

By the time you see this, we have already loaded the Trailer, stocked the coolers, powered up the Plasma Weapons and are En Route to Memphis!

Hope to see you there, and if you see us... please come say hello! We will have these posters available as well as the super awesome, limited qty Jeff Preston / ApAb poster. Exclusive ONLY to the Con.!

See you on the other side.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

MidSouthCon... here we come!

I owe you guys a peek at the poster I made for MidSouthCon. This will have to do, it's the pencils for the "group shot" that is on the MSC poster (which also has the portraits I created)

I will post the FINISHED poster tomorrow morn as we head out of Nashville to Memphis for the Con.

See you in the Morning! :)

OH YEAH! I almost forgot! JEFF PRESTON has allowed us to share a little treat as well.... but ONLY for the con goers! So the lucky people of the con will be able to be the FIRST to see the Apparition Abolishers Illustration by the Mighty Jeff Preston! whee!

Are you excited yet?


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Torque's Lab is coming soon!

I know, I'm very sloooow. but.. I promise it's coming... just hang with me!
Thank you for your patience. :)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Testing the iPhone upload...

Just a quick test to see if I'm up and running mobile style....

(torque.... If he was a Saturday morning cartoon... Hint?)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's my birthday! Yay!

Thanks Jeff for this SWEET video!

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!