Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Apparition Abolishers

Well! Much has happened since my last post, most importantly, Dragon*Con. Over Labor Day weekend we packed a huge trailer full of droids, costumes and ... um "beverages of the fun kind" and headed down to Atlanta for the biggest convention of the South.. basically our version of San Diego Comic-Con.

One of our group costumes were the Apparition Abolishers or Steampunk Ghostbusters. Our costumes were a huge hit and we won the great honor of being "Best In Show" at the Masquerade Ball.
Here I am in my gear.

And a short clip of us on stage. (Thanks Zach)
The Abolishers were such a huge hit we have created our own site and now have character back stories as well as weapon descriptions. But most importantly, a web comic is in the works! Written by my awesome sister Jess and Illustrated by yours truly.

Here are the first three pages in sketch form, just to rough out the ideas and get a layout going.

Over the next few posts I will have progress shots leading up to the final art which will be available on the Abolishers website.... for FREE. ;)

We will be in costume at the GMX convention here in Nashville this weekend on Saturday, stop by our panel discussion at noon and say hi.

To see more about the Abolishers please visit our site or follow us on Twitter

Special thanks to bynk for the photo of me :)